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GCH Caramel Apple Farm Hermione 1*M
SS: Little Orchard C Justice
*B LA2011
S: South-Fork Tim Tebow
SD: J-Haven's FT Livin' In Bliss
1*M AR2012
DS: Magics Aspen Hill Jackson
D: Caramel Apple Farm Redbook
DD: Colorado Caprine Crespi
DOB: March 2017
2018- 6x Grand, 1x Reserve
2019- 1x Grand, 3x Reserve
2020- 2x Grand, 2x BOB
Hermione is the dam of Prairie Ridge Bling It On - 2019 ADGA National Show 3rd Place Sr Kid and Prairie Ridge AR Pandemic- BJDIS at 2019 Wyoming State Fair. She is confirmed pregnant on a repeat breeding to CH *B Blackwing FX Armani for 2021.

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